It is the mission of the Four Rivers Alliance to reduce youth substance abuse in Hamilton County
Underage alcohol consumption, vaping, and illicit drug use remain significant problems in Hamilton County.
Through community engagement we share and exchange information and invest in the process of taking small steps toward improving the well-being of our youth, as well as the larger Hamilton County community.
Help us build a community that you're glad to be a part of! Hamilton County residents can take part in creating a healthy, happy & engaged community by taking our Hamilton County Youth Assessment survey. Let us know what kind of activities and groups you'd like to see in our area for your youth.
This survey brought to you by Four Rivers Alliance and Hamilton County Community Services
Since 2012, the Four Rivers Alliance has been working to reduce substance use by youth in Hamilton County. The Drug Free Communities (DFC) Support Program funds over 700 local coalitions across the United States. Coalitions assess the problems that are unique to their communities, build the capacity of their organizations, and implement evidence-based strategies to affect positive change.
"By mobilizing the entire community-parents, teachers, youth, police, health care providers, faith communities, business and civic leaders and others-communities can transform themselves."
-Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America Handbook
The goal of a Recovery Center is to aid individuals and their families to improve health, wellness, and sustain long-term recovery by providing support groups, sober social and recreational activities, and referrals for area services. The Center will provide peer-driven and peer-delivered support services.
The Hamilton County Center would be directed by a Peer Engagement Specialist & Recovery Coach (CRPA). Peers use their own experience with substance use disorder (SUD) and recovery to be resources for others. They know where to find help and how to effectively engage with individuals who are seeking their own pathway to recovery. They provide information and education regarding SUD and recovery, assist with goal planning, and support individuals with accessing treatment and other services.
If you are a church, non-profit or business willing to be a part of this important expansion of services to Hamilton County residents and may have a suitable space for part-time use, please contact Patrick Crouse, 2896 NY 8 PO Box 70 Speculator NY 12164, (518) 548-7070, or visit the “‘Contact Us” page.
The Center will be run under the direction of the Rob Constantine Recovery Center, 33 Bleeker St. Gloversville and the HFM Prevention Council.
We offer educational resources and training focused on youth substance abuse and problem gambling. Community outreach includes public service announcements, brochures, billboard campaigns and town halls and forums. Our coalition members stay connected through Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
If you, or someone you love needs substance abuse help, or you want to be proactive about educating the kids in your life about substance abuse, we can help.
For immediate mental health support, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Free and confidential support for people in distress, 24/7.
Hamilton County Crisis Line 1-800-533-8443
For information on treatment referral 24/7 National Helpline: 1-800-662-HELP (4357).
NYS Office of Addiction Services and Support 24/7 HOPEline: Call 1-877-8-HOPENY (467369).
Rob Constantine Recovery Community and Outreach Center
Gloversville: 33 Bleecker St. Suite 101 (518) 705-4626
Amsterdam: 131 East Main St. (518) 212-5576
24 Hour Peer Hotline: (518) 705-4627
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