A positive impact on our community since 2012.
In 2012, concern over underage alcohol use in Hamilton County by Hamilton County Community Services and the HFM (Hamilton-Fulton-Montgomery counties) Prevention Council resulted in the creation of the Four Rivers Alliance, as it was perceived that a grassroots coalition-approach could best address underage drinking and other issues.
In 2015 the Alliance, with the Prevention Council acting as the fiscal agent, applied for, and was awarded, a 5-year Drug Free Communities (DFC) Support program grant. Today Four Rivers continues to work with Community Services and many other organization and individuals in implementing evidence-based prevention strategies in our communities.
In 2020 the Alliance completed year five of the DFC grant cycle. In 2021 we applied for a competitive continuing grant for years 6-10, now under the auspices of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP). Four Rivers was one of 106 coalitions across the United State awarded a new DFC grant, funding the coalitions for a second five-year term, the maximum under the program.
Our plans for the future include building youth involvement, focusing on after-school activities, as well as community projects that celebrate our unique Adirondack Mountain heritage.