Local Problems, Local Solutions
A Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Coalition is a community-based formal arrangement for cooperation and collaboration among community groups or sectors. Each group retains its identity and agrees to work together toward a common goal.
Representatives from 12 sectors organize and meet to address local youth substance use. Together, as a coalition, they are driven by local conditions to implement local solutions that will build a safe, healthy, and drug-free community.
The 12 sectors are:
youth-serving organizations
law enforcement
religious or fraternal organizations
civic or volunteer groups
healthcare professional or organizations
state, local, and tribal government agencies
and other local organizations involved in reducing substance use
DFC coalitions select at least two substances their coalition will focus on targeting in their community. Most DFC coalitions reported targeting efforts to address use of alcohol, marijuana, tobacco products, and misuse of any prescription drug.
Drug-Free Communities Coalitions
DFC Coalitions aim to target the following substance issues:
Alcohol use
Marijuana use
Prescription drug misuse
Tobacco/nicotine use
Heroin and fentanyl use
Methamphetamine use